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As a Hedge Fund, we create a variety of products that suit a wide range of investors, from beginners to professionals, with different needs and goals. 

Each and every one of our portfolios are quant based and actively managed.

Some of our portfolios are exclusively restricted to an authorized professional recommendation according to the country regulations, due to their level of risk and sophisticated instruments. If you want to know more about our products make an appointment.

Flagship Portfolio: EFI-Algotrade2

ISIN: XS2564083413

Investment Vehicle: ETN  

Listed in: Vienna Stock Exchange

Trading: short-term algorithmic trading 

Type of assets: Equity, commodities and currencies

Risk level: High

Investment time horizon: 5 to 10 years recommended

Net annual target return for the client: 15% to 20%

Management fee: 0.00 %

Redemption penalties: 0.00%

Performance fee: 50% of quarterly gross profits with high-watermark

Minimum initial: Depends on the broker and the country

Objective: This portfolio seeks to generate a sustained above-market return for the investor, with the lowest possible exposure to systemic risk.

History: The portfolio has exceeded the objectives set from the beginning, achieving a 20% return for our clients for more than 17 years.

While complying with the premise of keeping them protected from systemic risk and market crashes, such as the one that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic or the market and bonds crash in 2022.

This is evidenced by 16 positive years versus only 2 negative years.

Performance Data

Net Returns

Last Calendar Year Last 3 Years CAGR Last 5 Years CAGR CAGR Since Inception



Net Returns


The Data is Not Available

Positive years: 16 (88.88%)

Positive quarters: 57 (81.42%)

Best year: +83.79%

Negative years: 2 (11.11%)

Negative quarters: 13 (18.57%)

Worse year: -20.77%

Equity Curve vs. Benchmark

Quarterly NAV

Annual Net Cummulative Return

No Data Found

No Data Found

Own calculations based on quarterly data from TradeStation and Interactive Brokers, spanning from June 30, 2007, to December 31, 2024. Emerge Management Inc. portfolio performances are net of fees (50% performance fee, with high water mark). NAV ISIN: XS2564083413, listed on Wiener Börse, data from December 31, 2023, to December 31, 2024. Due to our robust high-watermark policy, our clients successfully rebounded from the 2022 downturn, achieving a net gain of +58% in 2023 and reaching a new all-time high by March of that year. The guidance provided in this document is of a general nature and may not reflect your personal situation. Prior to taking any action, it is important to assess whether the advice is suitable for your specific circumstances. Please be aware that all investments carry the risk of loss and may not be appropriate for every investor. Historical performance is not a reliable indicator of future outcomes.


The displayed performance data represents historical performance, and it is important to note that past performance does not guarantee future results. The current performance may vary, being either lower or higher than the cited performance data due to the frequency of updates. The information presented encompasses all associated costs inherent to the product. This ensures that the performance data accurately mirrors the actual gains or losses experienced by investors at each specific point in time. 


3076 Sir Francis Drake’s Highway, Road Town, Tortola
British Virgin Islands. VG1110

All information on the website is intended for general interest only and does not constitute legal or tax advice nor an offer of any investment fund or service. No part of this website should be construed as financial advice. Investments involve risks. The value of investments can go up or down, and investors should be aware that they may not recover the full amount invested. Emerge Funds Investments will not be responsible for any inaccuracies in the information contained on this website or for errors or omissions in its content, regardless of the reason for such inaccuracies, errors, or omissions. In any financial investment, past results do not guarantee future outcomes.
Australia: Emerge Funds Investments Pty Ltd ACN 21 674 300 960 is an authorised representative (AR No. 1309347) of Capital and Treasury Solutions Pty Ltd (AFSL No. 429066). Any advice on this website is general advice that does not take into account your circumstances, and before acting, you should consider its appropriateness with regard to your circumstances.

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